Since 1986, Rainy Pass Repair Inc. has been specializing in outdoor gear repair, extending the life and usability of your technical clothing and equipment. Our expertise has garnered a reputation as the best outdoor equipment repair shop in the U.S. That is why over 30 outdoor companies, including top-tier brands like REI, Sitka, Mammut, Norrona, Kuiu, Helly Hansen and Stio, utilize our services for their repair needs.
Rainy Pass Repair, Inc specializes in sewing repairs on outdoor gear such as outerwear, tents, sleeping bags and packs. Our skilled technicians can repair zippers, patch waterproof-breathable fabrics, and replace hardware and velcro. We even do custom modifications and are trained to work with all technical fabrics currently utilized by the outdoor industry.
We offer professional laundering services for technical garments and sleeping bags. Our specialized services include cleaning and replenishing DWR for waterproof jackets and pants, as well as cleaning down garments and sleeping bags to help re-loft and better insulate. We utilize industrial machines and eco-friendly cleaners to maintain your gear. Through our laundering services, your gear will shed water, keep you warmer and last longer.
We are adept at altering and modifying all outdoor technical clothing including ski and snowboard wear, motorcycle gear and hunting apparel. Our expert technicians alter any technical outerwear for the best fit possible. We utilize the same construction techniques as the industry manufacturers, so your gear keeps its original FACTORY FINISH look. Whether you need pants shortened or sleeves lengthened, we have you covered.
We’ve partnered with GeerGarage, a leading outdoor gear-sharing platform, to expand access to the outdoors by empowering our customers to rent and lend their gear amongst one another. Rent from a community member on GeerGarage. If you’ve got extra gear sitting around, earn some income through lending and empower others to get outdoors.