Yes! We can patch and repair down garments and sleeping bags. We can also repair zippers on down items.
No: we are capable of repairing and altering all other waterproof breathable fabrics, coated fabrics, synthetic fabrics, and some cotton/natural fabrics.
No: many of the fabrics we use are proprietary and not easily obtained through direct consumer channels. If you are looking for technical fabric for a DIY or home project, we recommend www.seattlefabrics.com
We are the authorized repair facility for many companies that manufacture outdoor gear but please always check with the manufacturer before sending us a warranty repair. Some companies require a return authorization number (RA#) which is provided by the manufacturer. This number helps us communicate about the specifics of the repair. Rainy Pass Repair does not give you an RA#- only the manufacturer can give you this number, so if you have one please note it on the repair form before sending your order.
Yes, we have two locations: Seattle, WA and Morganton, NC. We accept orders via FedEx/UPS/USPS/etc. from throughout the USA and the world, processing everything from laundry to alterations in both locations. Walk-In service is only available in Seattle.
No, shipping is not included in your repair estimate/price so it is always good to Make a Price Inquiry to be sure that we can work on your specific item. We use FedEx Ground to give you the best price on return shipping while also providing tracking services and accurate delivery. We offer FREE estimates but you are responsible for incoming and return shipping for all orders, whether or not we can do the repairs. If you decide that you do not want your item repaired and do not want to pay for return shipping, we can recycle your item at no charge.
When you are ready to send your item, download our Repair Form, print it out, and include it in the box with your item. We accept daily deliveries from FedEx, UPS, and USPS but please get a tracking number so you know when your item will arrive. We process packages in the order that they are received, and it takes our staff time to work through the daily deliveries. Once your order is checked in, we will send you an email to let you know it has arrived and the next steps to get your item repaired. Every order requires detailed assessment so please don’t be surprised if it takes 24-48 hours to get in touch after your order arrives.